作品について[About the work]
◆ ぬいぐるみ作品はひとつひとつ手作業での一点物となります。同じシリーズでも表情や形に個体差がございます。アート作品としてご納得いただいてからのご購入をお願いいたします。
Each soft toy is a one-of-a-kind item, made by hand. Even within the same series, there may be individual differences in expression and shape. Please make sure you are satisfied with the item as an art piece before purchasing.
◆撮影した商品は実際の色味に近づけておりますが、 お客様のモニター環境により、表情、形、色味や微妙なニュアンスが実物と異なって見える場合がございます。
We have tried to photograph the products as close to their actual colors as possible, but depending on your monitor settings, the expression, shape, color and subtle nuances may appear different from the actual product.
Because these are handmade items, they are primarily decorative soft toy. If you move or pull them violently, they may be damaged.
We do not recommend washing it. If you need to clean it, gently wipe it with a special cleaner along the direction of the fur, then dry it thoroughly in the shade.
Sales of works will be announced on Instagram (@chami_softtoy). We do not accept orders from individual customers.
ご購入について[About Purchase]
◆ カートに入れた時点で「確保」ではございません。カートに入れても、先に決済された方が優先となる為、システム上、カートからなくなることがございます。購入完了のページまでお進みいただく必要がございます。
Adding an item to your cart does not mean it is "secured." Even if you add an item to your cart, it may disappear from your cart due to the system, since the first payment is given priority. You will need to proceed to the purchase completion page.
◆ 複数ご購入の際は、まとめてのご購入をお願いいたします。
When purchasing multiple items, please make all purchases together.
When making additional purchases with separate payments, shipping fees will be charged for each payment due to system limitations.
Please note that our system does not allow you to combine payments even before shipping.
We will generally ship multiple items together, even if they are orders from the same customer. We cannot refund the difference in shipping fees, so please understand this before making your purchase.
◆ キャンセル無しのお約束をお願いいたします。 無断キャンセルされた方は、次回からご購入をお断りする場合がございますのでご留意ください。
Please promise not to cancel your order. If you cancel without permission, we may refuse to allow you to purchase from us in the future.
◆ ご連絡がつかない方のご購入はご遠慮ください。必ず連絡の取れるアドレスをご登録ください。メール受信のフィルター設定をされている方は当ストアからのメール受信許可をお願いいたします。
Please refrain from purchasing if you are unable to contact us. Please be sure to register an email address where we can contact you. If you have a filter set up to receive emails, please allow us to receive emails from our store.
Please note that as I handle all operations myself, it may take some time to ship or respond to inquiries depending on the situation.
Please check the shipping method and delivery time on each product page.